become a class host & Earn Money.

Host a Fitness Class Party and Earn 50% of All Proceeds!

Have a network of people who love fitness and hula hooping? Host a 50-minute hula hoop fitness class party and earn 50% of all proceeds—with no upfront cost to you! Here’s how it works:

  1. Book a Class
    Schedule a 50-minute hula hoop fitness class with a minimum of 8 participants and a maximum of 20. Hosting is completely free, and you can choose the location that works best for your group.

  2. Receive Your Booking Page
    We’ll create a personalized booking page for you to share with your network. Simply invite your friends, family, and community to sign up, and you’ll earn 50% of the proceeds for each person who attends.

  3. We Provide Everything
    We’ll handle all the essentials, from hula hoops and water to any extras. You just show up and enjoy the fun with your group!

This is the perfect way to host a unique and exciting workout experience while earning money. Book your class today and start hooping your way to fitness and success!